Is it really trauma-informed?

Are you like me, and get a whole lot-squirmy when you watch people presenting themselves as trauma-informed, when they aren't? Here's my take: Just because you've read books on trauma and done a few courses doesn't necessarily mean you can call your work trauma informed. And, calling your work trauma…


Why Loving with open heart is the most courageous feat

Or, to be more specific, loving when you’ve been hurt, when you've got no "reason to" trust, is deeply courageous.I’ve been working a lot with people with developmental trauma lately... in some way Mum or Dad weren’t safe, weren’t there, weren’t able to create a safe ground to expand into. Life started with a preciousness in them unmet.


D e v o t i o n

Devotion is ... An expression of loveIt’s the way Love pours effortlessly in service to itselfIt is gratitude, melting and action rolled up in a ball and expressing honey in the worldDevotion is spiritual fire that burns away the “I”A dedication of what has been given, back to its source with…


What “giving away sessions” taught me about wealth

This month just gone I have given a Lot of half-price sessions in an offer celebrating my new treatment space in South Golden Beach. Nearly 20 people have received 1.5hrs of Somatic Experiencing and Bodywork; dropping into their bodies to feel, express and shift blocks and then receive nurturing, present…


Kindness and riding the back of my visions into new territory..

Hey beautiful one, So over the last few months I've been sharing my expansion into running women's Somatic groups. It's felt like I've hit the gold thread of vocation, (or maybe I've just been combining lots of what I love). But, I want to share more of my journey with you because right along-side that feeling of…


Shifting attention from the Doing to the Sacred

And a beautiful gift given to me... I've been thinking a lot about attention lately. Where I put it, and the effect it has when I put it there. As a mum, An employee or business owner, A householder  .... we get called and asked to be these things 100 times…