It’s not your job to know whether what you want is possible
It's not your job to know whether what you want is possible. It's your job to listen to your heart and body and claim that desire like a 3 year old - with Joy and clarity!
It's not your job to know whether what you want is possible. It's your job to listen to your heart and body and claim that desire like a 3 year old - with Joy and clarity!
Sometimes it takes a bit of hardship for the wisdom of Life (my sometimes-word for God/Spirit/Is-ness) to break through and bring a bit of sanity and heart. And really, I believe we all have access to exactly the guidance we need if we just take the time to listen. Last…
A love note and a bow to the humility and humanness in us all. Today I want to share a love note. A bow to the humility and humanness in us all, as, perhaps you look back in reflection on your year. At the end of every the year for…
Do you get stuck in negative loops or have trouble expanding past what you've previously known? In the last few weeks I've been doing some gentle (but consistent) energy & chi building practices and, as I feel more rested, resourced and happy in my heart, and as my life starts…
A few weeks ago I wrote an article talking about intention setting and life being a call and response thing. And today, I want to share some of where that insight has come from.. aka.. how do I know that life is always responding to our wishes and prayers? Well, on…
Have you been dreaming into what 2018 will hold for you? Have you been making lists (and checking them twice), visualizing or doing rituals to bring those things closer and heal the places that have been painful? These are powerful things to do (and they often work!), but they can also…
We've been exploring themes around Knowing and body wisdom lately, and how, when we tune into the signals from body (changes in breath, heart rate, heat, buzz-iness, dropping or expanding sensations) we are more connected to ourselves, to the world around us and to what is most life affirming for…