How to Deepen Your Intuition

For practitioners who want to fall in love with their own body wisdom, and have healthier boundaries around their wants and desires. 

This guide is designed to build your relationship with the part of you that Knows

and to simplify the process of trusting your intuition.

If you aren’t sure how to distinguish between Knowing and desiring,

or feel like you DO often know what you need and what is the “highest good”

(in terms of food choices, relationships or general life decisions),

but you ignore that knowing,

This guide is for you.

Build Your Healthy Anger and "Fight" Response

I get a lot of my impulses to create from others - particularly from my clients. And when there's a repeated process, phrase or concept that comes up in sessions or groups, I'll usually dive into 36 hours of Building Things so I can give these processes to more people.

This Guide combines processes I regularly guide clients through, as well as content from my Certification program on the importance and role of a healthy fight response in creating safety, clarity and joy in life. 

This will be relevant for you if you wonder:‎

"What would it be like to have a close and respectful relationship with anger, in myself and others?‎

To feel celebration and Joy when someone gives me a clear No‎?

To feel safe, secure and impactful when I speak my boundaries or feelings of anger?

What would it be like to clean up the places anger has been distorted and experience its power and integrity, personally and in the world around me?"

This Guide will help you Romance your Anger and build a healthy relationship with your power and clarity.

Get it Below