1:1 Therapeutic Coaching
Nervous System and Trauma-Informed
Somatic | Embodied Sessions
3 and 6 session packages available online or in person in Mullumbimby, NSW
What is it?
The Somatic Soul Method is a deep & profoundly effective body-focussed therapy. It looks like a counselling session - we sit and speak about your experience together - but our focus is on including and tracking the responses from your body, rather than the story of the event or situation.
This methodology helps you unwind stress and stories held in your nervous system, reshape habitual and automatic behaviours and re-pattern new ways to Thrive.These packages are perfect for:
🌟 Improving boundaries and unlearning the “fawn” response,
🌟 Healing attachment wounds and creating more openness to love,
🌟 Making more room for clear decisions and business success,
🌟 Refining communication skills for more harmony in relationship,
🌟 Deepening trust in your body intelligence and desires (so you dont need to rigidly plan everything or repeatedly find yourself in chaos making terrible decisions),
🌟 Shedding stress and the "rev" in the nervous system, so you base rate becomes more calm and settled, and live more smooth,
🌟 Or dealing with trauma or abuse history.
"Just WOW. Amanda is a gifted healer and therapist" - Naomi

But in a “soft opening and ground laying way”. Like guiding me to the moss where I can just melt
and rest in the soft greenness. It has always been there but I was too busy trying
to avoid the brunches in my way instead of looking down.Thank you for what you do".

Who this is For
This is for practitioners and seasoned travellers of the inner realms. For people who mentor and support their own clients and who desire mentorship and guidance to embody more of what they already know.
For all genders and identifications, these 1:1 sessions will meet you where you are with compassion and presence, while always pointing to what is good, strong and True in you.
If you've explored talk therapy to the ends of where it can take you. If you love embodiment and all things somatic and have done a reasonable amount of inner work on yourself, but still find yourself looping issues around boundaries, overwork or love and relationship, this is for you!

The Method
The 3 Layers

The Top Layer (that we often begin with) we meet the Parts of you running the show.
Do you have an internal Pusher or Critic, making your life harder than it needs to be? Do you have a collapsed or rebellious inner child stalling your healthy momentum?
We use Voice Dialogue like an internal relationship counselling session, and get the Parts of you working harmoniously together.
So you don’t get so pummelled by that inner critical voice. So you don’t need to rebel so strongly in order to find balance. So you can tend to your inner child with presence and true connection.

The Middle Layer is where we address the somatic and body memories you hold.
We meet the automatic, programmed responses held in your nervous system and resolve trauma or attachment rupture on the level of your nervous system for foundational change.
This work is done with mindfulness, guided tracking and allowing frozen or stuck responses to unwind and express to resolution.
So you no longer react or shutdown when things are stressful. And you have more presence and ground as your foundational way of Being = more loving parenting or relationships, more patience and clear boundaries, and a much healthier sense of self in the world.

The Bottom Layer is your Essential Self. This is the “magic” of a session where your own Being does the healing/transformation for you.
This layer is most accessible when you have mapped the Parts in you, and have learnt to regulate your nervous system responses so the undigested trauma from the past doesn’t take over. In this bottom layer, acceptance and Presence invite a radical transformation from the inside out – guided by your own Being.
And you make your own medicine, every time.
So your trust deepens that Life is intelligent and listening to you with benevolence. That under your challenges is fundamentally LOVE, and more and more, your willingness to be present for all of Life expands and gives joy to you and those you interact with

Meet Amanda
Amanda has been working with clients in the realms of energetic healing, massage and bodywork, somatic therapies, coaching and attachment therapies more than 25years.
Her passion is helping people anchor themselves in their wild and deep inner Knowing. She champions healers, leaders, coaches, parents and facilitators to have more satisfying work, love and creative lives – so they can share that with their world and those in their care.

How do I work with Amanda?
Thank you so much for your interest in 1:1 sessions. I want to make sure this is a great fit for both of us and Im the right one to serve you well.
Your first step is to Apply on the link below. If you would like a free 15 min phone call, you can book that below as well.
And right here I rediscovered a simplicity and awe of wonderment.
Thank you so much for holding such a steady loving opening space to rest, Amanda. I feel like I was hibernating and you were allowing the seed to gently, ever so slowly feel the warmth.
Then in it’s own time the seed could crack and bloom something so deep, rich, comfortable and nourishing

Most frequent questions and answers
Yes, we offer fortnightly or 3 weekly payment plans for our packages.
Amanda’s availability can vary. Currently there is about 1.5-2 week wait on sessions, but this can change.
My current schedule for sessions is Tuesday and Thursday 8am – 7pm (AEST) and Friday 10-2pm. This usually allows for international time zone difference. If in doubt, you can look here by searching your location and Sydney, Australia: https://www.timeanddate.com/
Sessions are offered in packages of 3 or more.