Let me invite you into our world..

Our Mission

Here at Wisdom Body Academy we combine embodiment and spirituality in tangible and pragmatic ways. To us, being human in a body is a deeply spiritual thing.

It is our mission to help practitioners inhabit their beautiful, wild bodies, so that their services and programs naturally transmit a warmth and human presence that heals – to their clients, families and into the world. 

Being nervous system informed means being trauma-informed, but it doesn’t mean being a serious-pants 👖 all the time, or only hanging out in difficult and challenging topics. 

Wisdom Body Academy is all about building the capacity for presence and compassion for the whole spectrum of human experience, including pleasure, play, creativity and connection. 

Cause we know that this will most serve our mission to land consciousness firmly in our fleshy, human lives. 


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What we Do

If you’re a practitioner, course leader or experienced traveller of your inner worlds and you’ve found the end of what counselling and talk therapies can do for you and your clients …  

If you’re looking for a more trauma-informed way of working and teaching, then you’re in the right place.

We offer personal and professional therapeutic coaching and group trainings to do your own inner work, learn the skills to work with the nervous system in a trauma-informed way, and bring your services up a notch (or ten) in effectiveness, ease and successful outcomes. 

All driven by the intelligence of the animal body and Soul.

Along with 1:1 sessions, group training and Certification in Somatic Therapy we also offer consultation and act as a Trauma Informed Guest Teacher for other people’s trainings or groups.

A combination of evolutionary science, business evolution, embodiment and profound healing

We are bringing you somatic and soulful work to help you (and your clients) connect with instinctual wisdom, natural rhythms, and the intelligence of the essential self, so that you can live a life of connection and grace arising from your own body and inner wisdom.

Here’s some things we’re passionate about:

We’re passionate about the Power of deep presence, and the intelligence of life that wants to lead us to wholeness and Home. 
Cause these bodies are designed to have us thrive.
We’re passionate about re-orienting a largely top-heavy (rational and cognitive preferencing) culture to the fact that “being animal” is not a disparaging thing. It’s our powerful, tender, vulnerable, alive, pleasure filled- feeling soaked, fleshy home for our incredible spirit. 

And we’re passionate about nature immersion, depth and authenticity, and making jazz hands and silly faces with other humans … 

If you like these things too… we’re gonna get along great 🙂 


Amanda's Expertise

Amanda has 25+ years of intensive personal development and ongoing professional training in the realms of healthy attachment, the nervous system and trauma healing, embodiment, conscious dance, meditation, inner child and parts work, self inquiry and every and any method there is to find a way Home… 

Her Qualifications include:

  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training – SEP (2012),
  • Attunement Therapy Practitioner Training (2019)
  • SAFE-T – Somatic Attachment Focussed Expressive Arts Training, (2021),
  • Essence Coaching Certification and ex-faculty with the Essence School and Warriors of Love (2015),
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sociology/Anthropology (2003), and
  • More than 20 years experience in Energetic Healing and holistic mind-body medicine.
Amanda is the creator of the Somatic Soul Method, Embracing the Inner critic, the Trauma Informed Partitioner program, and Mastering Trauma Informed Leadership – Certification. 
“If you’re a practitioner with a soul calling to take your service to another level, this is my speciality!  I can help you integrate the body, mind and soul in your work so you can confidently deliver your own offers, groups and programs – with less effort and more trust. Id love to help you”.


Included in the trainings and workshops I have done are:

  • Voice Dialogue Intensives (numerous times),
  • Reiki 1 and Mastery
  • Trauma and Attachment Healing Mastery with Diane Poole Heller
  • Attunement Therapist training
  • Diploma of Remedial and Pregnancy Massage
  • Australian Bush Flower essences certification
  • Inner Masculine and Feminine work over a series of 10 years
  • The Jade Goddess teachings
  • The Path of Love – ongoing and intensive over six years
  • Vipassana meditation over numerous years
  • 5 Rhythms Waves (18 years) + 5 Rhythms Heartbeat and Cycles workshops 
  • Diamond Essence work with Turiya
  • Diamond Approach – the work of A.H.Almass (ongoing)
  • The Artists Way (many times)
  • Trauma Healing for Children
  • Hand in Hand Parenting

Who runs Wisdom Body Academy?

Hey 👋🏼, Im Amanda and ever since I can remember I have been fascinated by what makes people tick and how to access the space inside that I call the Divine. 

As a kid I was either shyly watching the action, reading, making art … or, if I felt safe, …boisterously bossing everyone in sight… “I KNOW! This Way!!” ( ahem.. hello 4 planets in Sagittarius!)

Many books took me through childhood. Adventure stories and sooooo much teen romance. 

I discovered Mum’s shelves full of books on education and Human Resources, dived into the world of mindset and happiness early (how do we create it, where does it show up and why?). Books on body language (how to tell what someone’s really saying), team management and learning. 

Over at Dad’s house, the shelves were filled with Osho’s books (his Indian teacher/guru) and poetry. Books on love, the mind, tantra, reality and spirituality. Books that talked about the ego, the heart, relationship, truth with a capital T.  

The hallways were places I had to duck the flying legs of my dad’s wild Sanyasin friends. They romped and shouted and moved naked through the house or shouting and loving out loud. Their faces were more alive and their bodies and emotions more moving and immediate than those of my “normal” suburban friends’ parents, and I didn’t quite fit in either world.

Fine Arts and travel. I got hungry to see the world and see it through a spiritual lens, travelling to 11 countries (most in south east Asia) before my 21st birthday.  

I studied Anthropology and Sociology … How did other cultures do it? What do people believe and how does that make them treat their vulnerable or strong? What do people value? How do they do illness and health? And how do the rich interact with the poor and what does that do to the whole of their society?

Through all of this, life was relatively unremarkable.. 

Then, I fell in love.. and into a trauma field I hadn’t known before

In my late 20s I met a man, fell in love and we made a baby. It was a shock when he began spiralling into destructive behaviours and I experienced a traumatic end to that relationship that rocked me for years.. while I rocked my new baby, then toddler, then child on my hip. 

This shock showed me that being spiritual without access to a grounded “fuck off” was not enough.

I needed boundaries. I needed my bossy direction, my voice and to Be in my body

So I threw myself deeply into therapy and self development. I followed my feet into conscious dance, vipassana meditation, into the Path of Love and Diamond Essence work, and any, and many, workshop, group, Satsang or inquiry session.

Somatic Experiencing Training

Out of need and fascination, I studied trauma and attachment, into what makes us whole and what shatters the human heart, the effects of early childhood patterning on how we relate and love… what makes people hurt each other and how to mend what was broken or learn to live with it anew.

One thread that has carried me through these years was that voracious interest in what makes us human and how we express/Be what is True.

How we Be ourselves. 

I discovered that when we follow our minds it often takes us in circles and into suffering. And when we follow the body, it shows us a Wise and deep intelligence of its own, and that when given the space, will Always bring us back Home.

Through my adult life, one of my favourite things has been to be in transformational spaces – workshops, retreats, sessions – where people are shedding the cages of their identity or the frozen places of the past (shock or trauma or unprocessed emotion) and finding themselves Fresh, present and HOME.

I now run Somatic Therapy workshops, groups and Certifications. I developed my own 5 step modality (the Somatic Soul Method) and courses supporting practitioners to work effectively with the Inner Critic and more.

As a fierce and fallible human I stand as a champion for the gentle, fierce revolution of love I see rising on our planet – and Im willing to play my part.

We have an opportunity in this life to embrace our humanity and the survival system of the body (yes, all the fear, joy, lust, anger, sadness, bracing or collapse) while resting deeply into the peace that is our true nature. 

We have an opportunity to be free.


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I look forward to e-meeting, or real-time-human meeting you soon 🙂