The First Step to turn your DustyDream into Reality
A community building project, Something that will reduce suffering in hospitals, Or a healing business where you see awakening bloom in your clients.
February 6, 2020
A community building project, Something that will reduce suffering in hospitals, Or a healing business where you see awakening bloom in your clients.
We've been exploring themes around Knowing and body wisdom lately, and how, when we tune into the signals from body (changes in breath, heart rate, heat, buzz-iness, dropping or expanding sensations) we are more connected to ourselves, to the world around us and to what is most life affirming for…
We all have a painful story that we tell about life; for you it may be that your health is out of your control, men or women always abandon you, life is unsafe or that you just can't get ahead. If you’re like me; a Ms “Fix-it” from way back,…