It’s not your job to know whether what you want is possible. It’s your job to listen to your heart and body and claim that desire like a 3 year old – with Joy and clarity!
“I want to be LOVED!”
“I want to see my family!”
“I WANT to be healthy again!!”
I WANT is a powerful statement. Full stop. Nothing else needs to be added. You dont need to know the future, what happens to the desire after you state it, .. or anything! Claiming your desires is powerful and complete unto itself.
We shut down our clarity when we start gettin all up in Life’s business – acting like we know what’s gonna happen next. Trying to avoid pain by telling ourselves things aren’t possible or it’s-never-happened-before-so-why-would-it-now.
It’s not up to you to make stuff happen or choose the “appropriate and reasonable” desires from the “impossible” ones.
Its your job to be more totally IN your heart and body and welcome the lust for life that wants to move through.
In my experience (and through witnessing clients) claiming your desires without adding anything onto them feels empowering, enlivening, fun! And True!
And then.. funnily enough, you are much more relaxed and open to the ways your desire is trying to show up for you, much more open to receiveing them!