The First Step to turn your DustyDream into Reality

The First Step to turn your DustyDream into Reality

So you’ve got something to say, a vision you’ve been carrying for many years. It’s meaningful and somehow connected to your soul and who you are as a person.

A community building project,
Something that will reduce suffering in hospitals,
Or a healing business where you see awakening bloom in your clients.

Whatever it is, this dream has been dancing on the shelf, trying to get your attention for years.

Cause you’ve been busy taking care of business. Your own healing journey. The family and the material needs of a human life. It feels like there’s never the time to begin the thing. Or never the support to parent And build dreams. I know it, baby.

And what I know is, there are clear steps to moving from “I cant” to “I’m fucking doing it and it’s awesome!”

So here is the First, most important step:

BELIEVE it’s possible.

If you don’t actually think that this thing is possible for you. If all the reasons “why not” are bigger than the deep calling to do it anyway… you wont take a step and you’ll stay safe and small (and squirming).

But you can build your belief in simple and effective ways.

  1. Stoke your fire. Remind yourself why you love this thing. Let yourself feel the pull to it. Tolerate the discomfort of the contrast between what is now and what you see is possible. Let your passion for it build. Give yourself to what you’re passionate about. Remember WHY this thing pulls you. If you can, write that down. Often.
  2. For this exercise, suspend any thoughts about why it won’t work, why it’s not possible for you, why there’s no time or energy. That’s none of your business (truly!)
  3. Gather supporters. When we’re fumbling in the dark for something we’ve never experienced before, we need some external hand holds. Humans who’ve been there or are doing it already. Find people who inspire you, who are doing the thing you’re doing. Contact them, reach out, get in the energy field of people who already know (believe) this thing is possible.
  4. Gather evidence. Find images that look like the thing happening.. surround yourself with them and look at them regularly. Anytime something Vaguely along the lines of your dreams happens WRITE. IT. DOWN. (this makes it more concrete and tangible). Surround yourself with a new dialogue about what is actually possible in your world and don’t back down.

Fight for your vision. Be like a bulldog with a bone and fight for your souls longings. Don’t wait for someone else to do it and don’t let yourself collapse here. You Can do it. You’re worth it. Miracles are possible. Be the bird who flys.

Want to begin your evidence and support gathering right now?

Well let me share with you, when I first wrote this article, I’d had my own dance with a burning dream for years. A dream to help women land more in their gifts, in their bodies and in their power. To bring the heart, in female and male bodies, back to the centre of things. To heal the disconnection and disease so rife on our planet. My dream was that leaders with heart rise up and create a better world… there was so much Light in this dream! (and.. for years it felt like it was already done, with you and me and the whole shebang of intelligent consciousness at our back).

At the time I was giving 1:1 sessions doing just this. I was apprenticing in a Conscious Development Essence school.

This evolved over time into people coming to me asking for me to share my wisdom and the last 5 years now of giving training, Certifications in my method and mentorship to practitioners who share my dream.

And please know… in amidst this was a lot of messy, human fumbling, doubt, fear, scramble and all the rest. Life finds a way my love, even and including your imperfections.

SO BELIEVE. You can have it

And if there’s any way I can support that, I would LOVE it!

Check out my courses here:

and my Sessions here:

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