This week, at the end of a sweaty dance class in Mullumbimby, I stopped to have a chat with a woman I’ve felt drawn to for a while. She’s a 40-something woman in yoga gear and there’s something in the way she holds herself and the sparkle in her eye. We talked for a bit and she began to share about a workshop she’d just held, and how she’s starting to offer the womb work that’s been with her for years.
As she told me a little of her profound 18-year journey with healing her womb, I found myself getting fired up and affirming how much other women hearing it could be profoundly helped too, into a deeper self-connection and touch with their inner power source. Her story was pretty big. So.. we’re gonna do an interview and record it (I’ll share the link with you to tune in when it’s ready).
Since this interaction, I’ve been writing reams about celebrating and uplifting each other.
And here is some of it
We are singing ourselves homeWe are singing ourselves home
In the bodies of each other
Each time you feel safe in my presence
Each time I see love pouring from your eyes
The act of loving another is as intimate as loving yourself
Giving to another
Lifting another up
It’s the same as lifting yourself
Can you feel it?
The energy of another’s shine?
When you really take them in, isn’t it as deeply satisfying as shining from the inside?
There’s no separation
The time of competition and lack is over
Let us fall into the rich river of co-awakening
What power there is when you lift the other as fiercely and devotedly as if it were your own self
What a Geiser of up-rushing good!
What joy and simple, but enormous, celebration
My inner realms have constant waving pom-poms
.. a cheer squad, partying silently just for You
Colour and joy
At your rising
At the hints of your light shining through
Shine through shine through my love
The mother in you.
The business or career woman hungry for change,
The one who desperately cares for the environment and the one who just wants to see the world meditate itself to peace
I. Am. Celebrating. You
When people come to me and speak what they long for, the quiet voice that is ready to roar, the story full of richness and value, there’s a “fuck yes” in me.
My hand is reaching out to all those wandering and yet to choose.. and I’m saying.. “this way.. what you want is this way” .. let’s put a fire under your bum.. remember what you long for and let it carries you forward into something you don’t yet know, but you know you want.
You can do this and we’re hungry for you to show up.
And I’m built to stand here welcoming you Home.
Big love to You
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