Are you tired of going round and round talking about the same issues with your clients? Or meeting the same blocks and rigidity in their body after it looked like it had shifted the last session?

Wouldn’t it be great to have a way to resolve these patterns via an ancient and intelligent system inbuilt into every one of your clients?
And in a way that increases mindfulness, self-awareness and presence in them as well? (Therefore increases their quality of life!)

We’d love to invite you to join us in

>> THE INTRODUCTION to the Somatic Soul Method <<

An elegant map for working with your clients physiology, mind and Essential self/ Soul

This is for you is you want to learn how to use your clients’ body intelligence to heal and resolve stuck-ness, trauma, depression or anxiety,

If you want to support them into more natural thriving based on their ancient biology and yours,

And if you always been fascinated by somatic approaches to the body and to therapy.

This training is focussed on giving you tangible skills you can take into your practice or your life. 

In this training you’ll learn:

> An overview of the physiology/nervous system, and how the brain lays down repetitive patterns, behaviours and feelings states that can be worked with via the map of the nervous system,
> The nervous systems role in physical and ego survival (and how this links with internal emotional, mental and spiritual layers and external behaviours of a person)
> Signs and signals the body, behaviour and language give you about where a client is in their fight/flight/freeze responses around an issue,
> Tools to work with and resolve different nervous system states,
> Tools for helping your clients move into embodied empowerment
> Tools for settling your own nervous system in your own life or when hearing distressing content from a client.


> Counsellors or therapists in training wanting to have a deeper understanding of the role of the body,
> Psychotherapists
> Bodyworkers
> Anybody wanting to have a deeper understanding of how the instinctual brain impacts their clients’ lives.

If that’s you…

If you are not working therapeutically but would love to learn this content, please contact me on 0421079644 to discuss attending.



Hi, I’m Amanda and I’ve been working “somatically” for 16 years.. I started out as a bodyworker and moved to somatic therapy and coaching when I realized I really wanted to be able to work with the patterns in the mind and emotions that were creating the tension or collapse I was meeting on my massage table.

I am Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Lead Essence Coach with the Essence School (amongst many other things!) and am deeply in love with my work. I find working somatically is very soulful.. the body is a place of such wisdom, depth, and intelligence.

I look forward to sharing what I know with you.

Please note, this is not a substitute for training with the Somatic Experiencing Institute and I am not certified to give training in SE methods.



I’m a strong advocate for INTEGRATION of what we learn and experience.. so this workshop is a kind of mini-series, with Pre-Workshop videos, the 4.5-hour workshop itself and a follow-up Q+A call 2 weeks later (after you’ve had a chance to practice the skills in the world/your session room) to integrate what you’ve learnt.


These videos will be sent to you give you an outline of the nervous system role and structure and speak to what to watch out for when you’re working with Groups and with someone with a less stable nervous system.

Including all the content above.


DATE: Saturday 15th Feb, 1pm – 5.30pm

PRICE: $180

This is the price of 1.5hrs 1:1 with me.. so it’s a bargain to get 5.5hrs + video resources!
Places are limited so we can ensure you integrate the high quality content.

To enroll, deposit $180 in full with your name and the code: STT

Amanda Patterson
BSB: 012373
ACC: 517532034

Please note, there are no refunds within a week of the event.

There is pre-workshop content, so the earlier you enroll, the sooner you get to begin!

Any questions, feel free to message me here on FB or send a text via 0421079644

Many blessings!
